I always find myself workingout only for special occasions but always going back to my old lazy habits..especially after a race.
So to begin this health challenge, weekly grocery shopping works best in our household because when we end up buying in bulk, food always goes to waste.
Heres a look of my TJ Haul:
Steel Cut Oats..just like jamba:
I slow cook just the right amount overnight, so by the time I get up..oatmeal is ready the natural way.
Have you guys ever tried these?? OMG one bag is not enough. Glenny and I always fight for the last bite. They are thin pretzels dipped in Dark Chocolate.
All this health talk..you have to treat yourself! (in moderation of course)
And now for the Bodum French Press Review..Thank you Meg Meg!! One of the best gifts I've received this year.
Its quick..easy and coffee has never tasted soo good in the morning @ home. Goodbye Venti Vanilla Lattes and Hello Fresh Brewed Coffee.
Meg also got me this cute mug/plate for my morning coffee. I love you meg..
I recruited some runners and I am soo excited for them...MEGAN MATUTE & JENNIFER EVANGELISTA!
We got up @ 5:15am this morning and went to the american river for an early Monday morning run. Forgetting it was daylight savings time, 530am was really dark. Thank God for my contractor light that shined our path.We did a 3.24mile run in 40mins..which is really good for first time runners.
You guys did so well and I hope you continue to push and motivate yourselves. Prepare for your first 5k, Nike Women's Festival Run in June. Im happy to share some runners advice to the both of you.
Happy Monday Folks!
I LOVE ALL YOUR PICTURES!!!! I was too tired to stop by TJ today, but definitely tomorrow. Nom nom on all this wonderful HEALTHY food! Steel cut oatmeal, hummus, pita chips...delicious done right!! I'm so happy you like your French press...don't forget to get your coffee grinder!
Thank you for motivating me to try running. I used to abhor running, but I have such a different perspective now. The idea of 'running' is akin to a good book series for me. Sometimes it's boring in the beginning and hard to swallow, the middle is when it begins to pick up pace, and by the time I'm done I'm one happy camper! I loved that I'm picking up a HEALTHY habit along with my healthy lifestyle.
I really think it's the whole 25 thing getting to us too hahaa. I love making healthy choices more than ever NOW, when it counts. Love you!
Abhor, Akin... did you get these words from my GRE book? lol
Just kidding, you've always been great with your choice of words. You're my walking dictionary.
You must make a stop @ TJ and get the Vegetable Curry w/jasmine rice from the frozen section. I had half of it for dinner and the rest for lunch tomorrow. Its pretty darn close to Thai Basil.
Running a marathon has always been one of those things on my bucketlist I wanted to crossoff. And I hope it can become one of yours as well. Isnt it crazy how we set these limits upon ourselves and say we cant do this..or dont want to try that? But never really gave it a chance to make its judgement for itself.
Never set yourself with limitaitons or guidelines. Let your body tell your mind what it can control.
Running will give u the opportunity to listen to yourself outside the chaos of your *anima*. Listen to what your mind has to say..and never let your mind control your body. Fight off temptation and practice to set goals and reach them. Each mile makes a difference. I believe in you...
(Now I feel like i got that exerpt from Rev Run..haha)
Ash! You are really a help to my motivation! I am loving that you are on the same lifestyle "hype" as me! I loved running this morning, and am sooooo glad that I accomplished it! I can't wait for the next 5:15am wake-up call. I really feel the same way as you about dieting and working out only for events. We are 25. We should work out for outselves, not just for events. Our fitness level in out mid-20s determine how our fitness level will be in out 30s 40s, so keep it up! I have faith that I will be seeing you on the beach in yout bikini on your 35th birthday! I am excited for this new chapter.. actually.. new CHANGE in our life!
Thank you Ash you are my running guru!!!! I love all this advice, give me more! Haha, I wrote a blog about my experience and did a mini boo boo shout out to you!! Whoo.
HAPPINESS IS PUSHING YOUR LIMITS AND THEN WATCHING THEM BACK DOWN- Asics ad from your Runner's World mag, btw this is taped to my wall :D
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