Tuesday, March 2, 2010

BREAKFAST..my favorite meal of the day

Yesterday, I went to TJ and picked up a few things to eat this week. I decided to buy groceries on a weekly basis, instead of buying bulk and throwing half of the stuff I buy by the end of the week because I dont end up eating it all and veggies spoil quick.
Because I gave up FAST FOOD for lent and hopefully forever...I started making my lunch for school and dinner when I get home. I save soooo much money when I make my own food and it's so much healthier. I am trying to gain a healthy diet by at least summer and before RnR San Diego. Im done trying out all these quick diets I read in magazines, how-to loose 10lbs in 2 weeks, and flat abs in 1month. They dont work..at least for me and I just want to stay consistent and just healthy PERIOD.

So for breakfast:

-Blueberry crumpet, Greek Plain non-fat yogurt, blueberries, a little drop of strawberry jelly, granola and a few slices of bloody oranges.

And of course my cup of joe on the go!

Unfortunately, for dinner ill be having sushi with my old co-workers @ Sushi cafe for my first Bday Meal. They're sooo sweet..they keep in touch with me and still try to meet up once in awhile.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!!!!


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